Friday, November 11, 2011

I don't care if you're 99%, or 1%....

The truth of the matter is everyone has a duty at this point as a human being on this planet to stand up for the rights and liberties so many before us fought for. If prior patriots and freedom fighters had any idea that future Americans would be placing importance on sitcoms and other remedial garbage while dictators at the top looted and plundered all that was achieved beforehand without backlash, they would be rolling in their graves. I hate to say it but at times I get so fed up with trying to inform people of subjects which should totally be of concern to them only to realize they could give a shit less, that I come to the understanding that there’s a possibility that maybe this is truly a situation we will never recover from, cause not enough people care, and at that point I almost feel like maybe these sheep deserve to be fleeced. To those who heckle the Occupy movement without ever having stepped foot on any of its encampments, wake up, these people are there in hopes you will join them, as you should, every last one of you are being robbed in one form or another, whether you’ve tucked away a nest egg and are well off at the moment, you’re dollar is being devalued at a phenomenal rate, your privacy has been stripped from you, the food and beverages you consume are contaminated on many different levels. Quit asking people why they occupy, it should be blatantly obvious by now. How many countries will be invaded before you realize the reoccurring trends they use for justification? You can continue to overshadow all these truths simply by stating how great this country is, but in fact you are disillusioned. This was a great country, and as time passes it is getting worse and worse, those at the top recognize they can simply take what they want from you and experience no repercussions for their actions, so they continue to snatch more. People turn the other cheek and insist this is just the way it is, this notion is false, this is not how those who built the infrastructure ever intended it to be. You are a coward for not caring, your naivete will not save you or your children. No god exists to protect you from those on this planet whom seek to steal your livelihood and force you into a world of servitude in which beehive mentality reigns supreme. If this god indeed exists, he’s a sick demented motherfucker who gets his rocks off watching this ball of yarn unwind. To those on the scene touting the principles of communism, socialism, or marxism, go home, if this is what you wish for, sit on your couch and watch it unravel, as its the intended system currently being put in place, its a fairy tale, those at the top are too invested to spread the wealth, therefore it will only be the poor and the rich, it only leads to fascism, feudalism, and overall tyrannical dictatorship, ask the Soviets who struggled under the iron fist of Stalin, or those starved to death by Mao. Harsh rulers who were funded and celebrated by those in power here in the USA today. For the minions at the bottom its about greed, snatching the last cookie out of the jar, but those at the top have more money and assets then can ever be spent or enjoyed, its about power, its about passing that power on to the next elitist who steps up. It’s not a democracy this country or any abroad need, its a fortified republic, you place people in power and you will be inviting psychopaths to rule over you, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The current predicament is not about race, faith, or who you are as a person, we are all being flocked and taken advantage of. Mainstream media: quit the fear mongering, its bullshit, so many pick a particular outlet, keeping ever vigilant of a particular news channel, only to tout the same talking points these stations are funded to broadcast, you are being lied to, think for yourself, educate thy self, do so with a well rounded serving of sources, including the documents and books these elitists put out which you are too ignorant or lazy to analyze. Life is no longer what you make it, it has been constructed for you, you can blindly go about life thinking everything is peaches and will come to understand that the fruit is rotted, and the worms will indeed come to fruition. Have fun, but get hip to it already, relay important information, stand up for yourself, show them they will not get away with this, they operate in darkness, shine the light on their devious ways. Its not only the future of you and your family, but also the future of humanity. Study it, understand it, or roll over and die. It will only continue to get worse from here on out if you do not attempt to “be the change that you want to see”.