Sunday, April 24, 2011

QUOTE: Carroll Quigley - 5 years of war/ 50 years of peace

"More can be accomplished toward the goal 
in 5 years of war 
than in 50 years of peace."


Anonymous said...

Why on Earth this particular quote from "Tragedy and Hope", an epic 1,300 page analysis of the development of Western Civilization over the past 200 years, was posted to this website I cannot understand. I couldn't even find this particular quote in my copy of the book. Either the person quoting it has never read the book, or they are an idiot - it's one or the other.

Bon Martin said...

"The real purpose of war is to change societies of all those that participate because you can get more done in five years of war on a governmental scale than you can with 50 years of peace and propaganda."

~ Carrol Quigley