Saturday, May 21, 2011

fear mongering in Boston: Operation Urban Shield

This weekend Massachusetts will be home to Operation Urban Shield
fullscale anti-terrorism drills sweeping the nation.

The likes of which will include simulated events such as:
- gunmen storming the Boston Marriott

- a backpack bomb in Quincy High School

- terrorist seizing control of the District gas terminal in Everett

- "cars set on fire, explosions, & shooters on rooftops" 

- a hazmat spill at John M. Tobin Montessori School in Cambridge

- Mumbai style attack on a cruise terminal in Southie

- hostages taken on Winthrop ferry boat

- bomb detonation at Pine Manor College

It was announced that residents will possibly overhear simulated gunshots & explosions.
In a clip quickly swept under the rug by the local news I observed what looked like a very convincing cadaver being transported out of a crime scene.
They insisted they will be informing those in the area of said drills,
but what about the few who fail to be informed that such tactics are not real?
Those 'lucky enough' to happen upon such incidents unaware, will likely be traumatized by the matter.

in which a simulated chemical-biological leak was tested for reaction & projected pathway:

These scenarios can have dire consequences on the psyche when someone unknowingly becomes the victim of a terrorist plot which they believe to be legit.
to understand that we live in a world where fear is ever present, 
as it always has been throughout the ages in order for the masters of such cultures to gain control, 
essentially we have been indoctrinated with fear:

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