Monday, August 23, 2010

Simulated Terror Attack on Boston Subway

Scientists recently released gases and fluorescent particles into Boston's subway tunnels
to show how toxic chemicals and lethal biological agents could spread through the nations oldest subway system.
Part of a weeklong study conducted by the Department of Homeland Security
to figure out ways to minimize the impact of an airborne assault on the nations 15 subway systems.

Researchers released:
-Sulfur Hexafluoride
which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) calls the most potent greenhouse gas.
*known to alter vocal soundwaves*
-Perfluorocarbon gas
also an extremely potent greenhouse gas with a lifetime of up to 50,000 years
*known side effects include flu like symptoms*

Flu like symptoms?
How appropriate considering the Obama administration recently announced
they are willing to invest $2 billion (swindled from taxpayers)
to fight bioterrorism and pandemic.
$822 million of which will develop the influenza vaccine.

So let me get this correct...?
Scientists are testing an invisible odorless gases they can release into the subways,
which will create flu-like symptoms
and "lucky" for us they have the vaccines in abundance to curtail it?

Who comes up with this shit?
They preach all this bukaki about carbon emissions and what not,
yet release an abundance of the worst greenhouse gases known to man?

Not too long ago I informed of a report released by the Rockefeller Foundation
which detailed dystopian scenarios of the future as predicted by the advancement of technology.
The main focal point was pandemics, or more specifically a pandemic originating from geese.
The geese part I believe to be irrelevant, but the pandemic must not be counted out.

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