Friday, May 20, 2011

New Madrid: HAARP battlefield?

before the M9 earthquake which set off Fukushima,
laying serious ground to the frightful claims involving: 
which is the largest earthquake drill to be conducted in the US, taking place along the New Madrid fault line, a seismic area which analysts believe is long overdue for serious activity.
Ironically the event ends tomorrow, 
the day before the Family Radio bible bangers predict Judgement Day will be kicked off with a quake,
the likes of which the earth has never seen.

Coincidentally, before NLE11 got underway, the largest flood to hit the US belched along the Mississippi subsequently affecting the exact area where these festivities are to take place:
To make matters worse, hundreds of thousand of tons of explosive have been used to detonate levees in hopes of diverting the flow of flood waters, 
tons of explosives being detonated above an active seismic region:
It has been pointed out by countless few, that flooding can potentially increase quake probability
this is so widely known, that it was the plot to the James Bond (007) film - View to a Kill:
To make matters even worse (if you can even imagine that?) evidence suggests HAARP has once again been fired up & is currently focused on the area along the New Madrid:
To naysayers who allege that such claims are merely tomfoolery,
I point you to one of the many horses mouths:
In 1997 Secretary of Defense William Cohen spoke of countries:
"engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves." 

Hakuna Matata folks, luckily Obama cancelled 
an emergency system which would warn citizens prior to the onslaught of a coming quake.

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