Friday, July 30, 2010

In Frauds We Trust

European priest drowns baby at baptism.
Would a just god allow this to happen?
Believers will argue that this is the will of God.
but would a just god also allow priests who represent his word to molest children,
many of which occurred in the house of god?
In 2004 the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
commissioned the John Jay Report.
This survey focused on Roman Catholic dioceses in the US only.
They reported that 10,667 people in the US had made allegations of child sexual abuse between 1950 and 2002 against 4,392 priests.
6,700 substantiated against 1,872 priests.

a database of the accused

an extensive clergy abuse database

These are just Catholics in the US
who knows how many other religions harbor such tendencies
in many other countries around the world.
How many other cases are unreported to this day
as victims are scared to come forth or fear the power of god?
How many are covered up by the church,
allowing priests to continue their practice?
Such as the case of Rev. Lawrence C. Murphy,
whom molested 200 deaf children which the pope did nothing about.
A timeline of Murphy's reign

Much can also be said for the pimp deacons who ripoff their flock
stealing money out the basket.
Which history shows is the most common crime of the church.
Take Pastor Ted Haggard of Connecticut who stole $1.3 million
and blew it on male prostitutes.

a few church embezzlement cases

UK priests have recently been accused of beating, starving and murdering kids.
They labeled the youngsters witches and said the means were an exorcism for their own good.

Countless amounts of war have been conducted under the guise of religion.

Many cultures have worshipped false deity's.
Many share the same characteristics and history:

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