Thursday, July 22, 2010

Population Control - Roots

China took the opportunity to put emphasis on "authorized births" only,
many nations are pondering the possibilities.
I'm guessing by "authorized births" they mean: those of royalty or who put up the yuan get the opportunity to have a child in their life?
Obviously taking into consideration it's their only child....
The theme of this years World Population Day was "Everyone Counts"
which journalist Jurriaan Maessen writes:
"meant to make you think the UN cares, but which really means: every child is one too many"
Much emphasis was put on keeping tally of the census which you may have noticed the US is currently doing which would account for job growth in our economy even though the economy is free falling and these jobs are temporary, merely killing 2 birds with one stone.

Here's the official word from World Population Day

A few articles on China's "authorized birth" mandate

Many people will think, "who cares about China", as these mandates have been protocol for a decade.
This is not just a Chinese issue, or merely an Asian issue, but a global theory.
As far back as 1920 activists such as Marie Stopes
and Leonard Darwin (son of Charles Darwin)
were highly vocal of their stance on population control.
Marie in her book called for:
"sterilisation of those totally unfit for parenthood [to] be made an immediate possibility, indeed made compulsory."
arguing for "racial purification".
Both Leonard and Marie (and many of their time and todays elite) are Eugenics nuts

which calls for "selective breeding" to "improve human genetic qualities"
It also calls for extermination of "undesired population growths".
Hitler was a firm believer, you may have guessed?
Yet another believer of Eugenics was James Watson

whom discovered the "Double Helix" structure of DNA and was also the head of The Human Genome Project (the mapping of genes in DNA).
He later created much controversy stating that his research on the Genome Project led him to discover that "Blacks are Stupid" and inferior to all other races which obviously hailed a ton of criticism

Population by numbers

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