Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Local Predator Drones

On the day we celebrate our freedoms as a nation
4th of July (for layman's)
our civil freedoms were taken hostage to winged spy vehicles.
Predator drones were all the rage at this years festivities in Salem, MA.
I caught glimpse of one circling many times,
about the size of a backpack.
Many failed to notice or just had no idea what they were.
I continued to hear it for the remainder of the night as I lay in bed at 2am.
Took a gander into my local newspaper to see if there was any reports on the subject
and it turns out the FAA was trying to get permission weeks before the celebration.
Lets just be thankful we got a good "pilot"
as these things have had a tendency to barrel into peoples windows and cause fires.
Much less it get hit by a firework (which it indeed was in the vicinity of)
and turn into a fireball.
Future Spies

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