Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Venezuelan Oil

Hugo Chavez recently threatened that if Colombia or its US ally invade Venezuela,
he will shut America off of his oil.
Accounting for 10% of our oil supplies, Venezuela is our 5th largest importer.
He has now deployed 1,000 troops to the Colombian border.

A brief history:
Colombia has accused Venezuela of harboring Colombian rebels.
Israel has accused Colombia of selling Iran depleted Uranium.
Venezuela has alleged the US created the Haitian earthquake by using its HAARP system to undermine oil shipping routes between Venezuela and China.
Colombia has fostered a tight knit relationship with the US
much to Venezuela's dismay.

Hugo Chavez has suspected that US & NATO forces
have been devising a coup d'état for years now.
In 2005 he stated:
“We discovered through intelligence work a military exercise that NATO has of an invasion against Venezuela, and we are preparing ourselves for that invasion.”
He spoke of Plan Balboa - which was a military exercise
conducted by air, land & sea involving US & Nato countries and even troops deployed to Curacao off Venezuelas NW coast.

In January of 2008 Chavez said US & Colombia:
“don’t want peace in Colombia because it’s the perfect excuse to have thousands of soldiers there, the CIA, military bases, spy planes and who knows what other…operations against Venezuela.”
“I accuse the government of Colombia of devising a conspiracy, acting as a pawn of the U.S. empire, of devising a military provocation against Venezuela.”

US troops stationed in Colombia have continuously been picked up on
charges of selling firearms and drugs to paramilitaries.
As reported earlier, the US had 46 warships and 7,000 marines stationed in Costa Rican waters.
Over the course of nearly a decade the US has spent over $5 billion on Plan Colombia
an initiative which aims to have US troops fully occupy Colombia.
Recently Obama has decided to deploy more US troops to five naval bases in Colombia.
Making it our 3rd largest receiver of assistance and our largest alliance in Latin America.

Venezuela has since taken its matters to the United Nations,
in the form of a letter calling for peace
Time will tell.

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