Sunday, October 31, 2010

CIA deals drugs.....? Well I'll be...!!!

Los Angeles narcotics detective Michael Ruppert confronts CIA director under Clinton John Deutch
regarding the CIA's involvement in the smuggling and distribution of cocaine across America.
He refers to specific CIA drug operations in his speech:

The Iran/Contra scandal tied many prominent politicians into corruption which spilled crack onto the poverty stricken streets of the United States.
-George Bush Sr. was head of the CIA at the time
-Ronald Reagan was president
-Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas,
where an abundance of drugs were funneled through Mena Airport
-many links connect both Bush brothers (George W. & Jeb) to the mix as well.
All of said politicians were involved in important factors within the operation
whether they admit it, matters not, they have all been tied into it in some way shape or form.

Ronald Reagan admits guilt:

A young Ron Paul speaks about the topic:

John Stockwell, former CIA officer:

Gary Webb, journalist run out of town for exposing the ordeal:

American Dad sums up the Oliver North connection:

US Marine Corps officer & National Security Council member Oliver North at the hearings:

Dealer & pawn "Freeway" Ricky Ross:

The CIA & Crack Cocaine

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