Tuesday, October 26, 2010

WTC: evidence of pyrotechnics

Physicist Jeff Farrer is one of the many scientists
who discovered thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center ruins.
Thermite is a pyrotechnic composition.
There can be no explanation as to why it was present at ground zero,
other than for the purpose of an serving as an explosive substance.
The following interview will be featured in the upcoming documentary:
"911 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out"

There's no excuse as to why Americans aren't fuming mad over all the recent findings.
If you discussed 9/11 truth with me 5 years ago I would've shown skepticism
but ultimately would've denied American collusion.
It was a taboo subject and seemed un-patriotic to even question in simple discussion.
At this point, it would be un-patriotic to bear witness to a mere quarter of this evidence
and not actively voice your concern on the matter.

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