Sunday, October 24, 2010

Idiot Nation

Further proof that the world has gone retarded:
the most googled celebrities of 2010

Considering the fact that he's an epic icon who passed away suspiciously,
all those who googled Michael Jackson get a pass,
lets face it: you could spend weeks on how interesting the man (if you can call him that) was.
But Lady Gaga? This pop puppet is a mere flash in the pan, a fad.
One so starved for attention she wore a dress ensemble made by the local butcher,

complete with meat boots, meat hat.. and lest not we forget: meat head.
Can you say: salmonella?
Or this magazine cover in which she adorned a meat bikini, topped with meat jewelry:

How about some "man-meat", how about you wear that next time?
An outfit solely made of recycled corpse penises... how's that for outrageous?
Just to prove how preposterous this she-devil is, here's footage from merely a few years ago:

your typical girl next door who would go on to sell her soul
concocting PR stunts to stir up controversy and get her name on the lips of the populous.
Lady Caca!

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