Monday, August 16, 2010


He confessed, "when you hit the delete button, it's never really deleted"
and the Iphone saves more info than most high end phones.
The phones database can tell where you've been, what you were doing, and what you've got to hide.

-Every time a user closes out the built-in mapping app the phone snaps a screenshot & saves it
these photos can then be used to determine if your alibi stands.

-Iphone photos are embedded with GEO tags & ID info
so online uploads can contain GPS coordinates & a serial number of the phone which took it

-Apps store info meant for advertising, but may also be useful to the police

-Just as users take screenshots of their Iphone screen,
the phone itself takes hundreds and stores them containing emails, and other incriminating evidence

-the keyboard cache logs everything, so everything you type is stored in a database
months of typing can be retrieved even if deleted elsewhere

Advanced Iphone Forensics

Many Iphone spy apps exist, once installed on an unsuspecting owners phone the "spy" can:
-listen to live calls
-remotely monitor the Iphones surroundings
-secretly read text messages
-view call history
-read Emails
-& of course track the phones GPS location

Ironically in the year 1984, Apple made a commercial mocking George Orwell's novel & movie 1984
insinuating a future with Apple is far from a dystopian Big Brother scenario

this couldn't be further from the truth.....

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