Sunday, August 8, 2010

Race & Politics

Morgan Freeman lays down the truth.

Race is not relevant in our American society.
A black man is president and that's that!
He's not president because the majority of black people voted for him,
rather because the majority of Americans voted for him.
The media continues to pull the race card

They want you to believe that:
-those who oppose Obama or even White House policy are racist

-the Tea Party patriots are racist
even though they have many black members of their party

the media would loop the same 4-5 racist protesters at tea party rallys
(who were most likely George Soros' croneys)
and would even crop video to try and persuade the audience that Tea Party = KKK

-those who wish to secure our borders are racist.
so therefore Arizona must surely be racist.
Matter of fact 9/10 Americans must therefore be racist
as polls show this is how many people believe securing our borders against illegal immigration is important.
Nearly every country has closed borders.

The truth is:
-King Shamir Shabazz and the New Black Panther Party are racist

the same group whom stood outside polls during the 2008 elections trying to intimidate voters

in this case justice was not served,
as King Shamir
who's own rap CD preaches violence
was ordered to avoid the polls until 2012
aka: he can return just in time to intimidate voters during the next presidential election.

-The Brown Berets are racists
they believe America belongs to Mexico and whites should move back to Europe

despite the fact that they themselves originated from Spain.

-Obama's pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright is racist.
Race is indeed vital to his being, it seems he preaches race in every sermon

it's he who presided over the Obama's wedding ceremony.
During Obama's 2008 election run
reporters whom work for nearly all main media outlets
on the website forum entitled Journolist
would converse on ways to surreptitiously cover up Obama's connection to Rev. Wright
and further bend the news in the presidents favor.
Obama would later resign from Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ,
to silence criticism he was receiving due to his affiliation.
Later when questioned if he had spoke to Obama since his resignation,
Rev. Wright would boldly remark:
"them jews aren't gonna let him talk to me"

Those who are completely infatuated with race are the true racists,
as it's impossible for them to see past the veil of race.
Such As:
-the NAACP
whom Michelle Obama shares close ties with
-Reverend Al Sharpton
wherever there's an incident where the slightest iota of racism can be twisted to his benefit,
he will surely follow,
but in cases of racism towards whites, he's nowhere to be found.
-and Sharpton's obtuse toadie Reverend Jesse Jackson
who brings every minuscule event to the publics attention.

The White House blackballs any situation which can be mildly interpreted as racist
without investigating its true merits

Maxine Waters pulls race card after being denied federal aid

My opinion continued

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