Their slogan reads: "the trustworthy encyclopedia".
Who wouldn't trust a site which sells "Question Evolution" t-shirts
and plans to rewrite the bible in a more conservative fashion?
They've gone so far as to declare man & dinosaur co-existed,
and explain how kangaroos traveled from Noah's Ark to Australia.
It was a mystery to some why the website would publish a list of
Senate Democrats from States with Republican Governors
and then go so far as to surreptitiously call for the assassination of said Democrats
so their Republican Governor could appoint a new Republican in their place.
Who wouldn't trust a site which sells "Question Evolution" t-shirts
and plans to rewrite the bible in a more conservative fashion?
They've gone so far as to declare man & dinosaur co-existed,
and explain how kangaroos traveled from Noah's Ark to Australia.
It was a mystery to some why the website would publish a list of
Senate Democrats from States with Republican Governors
and then go so far as to surreptitiously call for the assassination of said Democrats
so their Republican Governor could appoint a new Republican in their place.