Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pole Shift

Every quarter million years the earths poles reverse.
The last time this occurred was 700,000 years ago, meaning we're seriously overdue.

Let's start with the basics:
The earth's magnetic fields are caused by the rotation of molten metal in the upper core,
which lies just beneath the earths surface.
The magnetic field diverts harmful particles and radiation.
Serving as giant magnets dragging foreign particles towards them
& depositing them at the extreme ends of the earth.
Evidence of this phenomenon can be seen when light reflects off the particles,
such as when Aurora Borealis or the "Northern Lights" appear.

The poles shield the earth from:
-gamma rays
-cosmic rays
-solar radiation
They are weakened in the event of a shift, if not absent entirely.
This process is referred to as a "fade".
When this occurs the rate of cancers & mutations soar.
Magnetic fields have been fading for 300 years and are currently at 3/4 strength.
Since science began keeping tabs in 1845, it has become 10% weaker.

Observe the South-Atlantic Anomaly:
A chunk of earth beneath the ocean where fields are absent & magnetic polarity constantly switches.
Proof that when the magnetic fields break down it happens in pieces.
Many scientists predict the fields will be completely gone in less than a thousand years.
Although vast areas of the planet will be losing field in chunks before then,
& others will be functioning at partial strength until then.

Others believe this will happen in 2012,
which just so happens to coincide with the shift of the magnetic fields of the sun,
which occur every 11 years, and when they do the increase in solar activity
not only leads to bad television reception, but also fire.

Now take a gander at "Jupiter Wind",
or the electromagnetic movement of charged particles from Jupiter
(the largest planet in our solar system)
Planets with strong fields such as Jupiter or Saturn are dominated by rotation.
While solar wind controls plasma flow in smaller magnetospheres such as Earth,
meaning our poles rely on the sun.
Now we mentioned the next cycle of solar magnetic activity would occur in 2012,
which just so happens to occur during a rare cosmic event:
The Sun, Earth, & Jupiter will be perfectly aligned.
Constant solar wind from the sun normally pushes Jupiter's electromagnetic field into the far reaches of the solar system.
But upon this rare event earth will be blocking the solar winds.
Jupiter field would respond to a lack of pressure by sending a surge of electromagnetism
in the direction it's being blocked: Earth
Let's recount: space tsunami one side, elevated solar winds on the opposite,
aka: the Perfect Storm

What would it mean for planet earth if all the cards fell into place like some believe?
-elevated seismic activity resulting in earthquakes
-as previously stated: a free for all for gamma rays & solar radiation
-modern navigation, especially which rely on a compass would turn into paperweights
-migrant animals such as geese would lose their direction
they contain a mineral called magnetite which syncs their brain with direction.
We also contain magnetite. In case studies when magnetite was reduced in patients, they:
-became disoriented and couldn't walk straight or stand up long
- clumsy
-couldn't concentrate
couldn't complete basic tasks such as touching their finger to their nose.

It seems as if the cosmic odds are stacked up against us once again,
will the earth prevail or will it be 2k12?